Night Care Services

Night Care

We all know that a good nights sleep is essential to everyday health and for the more vulnerable, an unsettled night can lead to greater care requirements throughout the day.

Research has proven that a person’s night-time experiences, have a dramatic effect on their daily care requirements. A poor nights sleep impacts on a person’s ability to undertake daily tasks, can leave them more unsteady on their feet and can result in increased levels of confusion.

In addition, ongoing poor sleep patterns can lead to isolation throughout the day when catching up on sleep. This could result in a person being unable to interact when family and friends visit or may struggle to engage at a level that they normally would and become more anxious about night-time hours.

With this in mind, care and support throughout the night in the form of a night care service, can be as important as providing care throughout the day.

Our carers uphold our reputation and are valued in the community. They are themselves part of our own community of special people wanting to deliver the highest standard of care

Contact Us

For further information on any of the services that we can provide for you, please contact us in the following ways:

Telephone: 0144 295 6600 | Email: